Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Five Days Away..

Alright, so I have five more days until my flight to Alicante on Monday evening! I am still in DC and the idea of packing everything I want for the next five months is definitely freaking me out! I have made a list of things and the Griffins are reminding me here and there of important things I'll need like blister blockers (apparently my freshly pedicured feet are gonna take a beating in the streets of Alicante). Das not good.

Good news is: my "Spanish" clothing supply has grown a little since I've moved up here (Don't tell my mom). I have acquired a few more dressier items that will help me to pass as a Spaniard (before I open my mouth that is)! I have to look dressy because I read online that no one ever goes to class wearing just a t-shirt and jeans. If you know me at all, this is my main look so I'm going to have to adjust quickly.

But besides all that, Katie's birthday and engagement party are coming up this week. This is my last chance to spend time with her and my soon-to-be brother-in-law, Drew before the real chaos of planning their wedding begins. However, I've promised that I will fulfill my duties as the Maid of Honor aka. "MOH" (as Drewby likes to call me) and be there for whatever Katie needs which will require lots of Skype conversations in the future.

So to conclude this post, if you can't already tell I'm getting very very excited for this trip. And in a few days I'll get to go home and spend a few days with my family and friends before I depart. (Especially kiss Javier, my immortal beta fish, goodbye). So stay tuned for the more exciting stuff in the next few days! :)

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