Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 3...

So, we didn't do too much today since we were out late last night. However, we found the supermarket that has everything you can think of. It's called El Corte Ingles and there are 6 floors of "things". It's like a walmart but better. Anyway, we walked around there for a little while and bought our little space heaters for our room. They were much needed. Then we got really tired from walking and eating, so we went back to our flats and took siestas. My siesta was amazing due to my heater. No more cold nights for me!! Yayy!

After the siestas, I went and talked to my roommate and she was asking me how I liked it so far and we got to talking about the food here and she told me that paella here is awful and that I shouldn't eat it. So naturally, we go to a restaurant right off the board walk that's outdoor and eat paella. My appetizer was definitely not something I would eat EVER in the states. I ordered boquerones fritas (fried anchovies) and they were still in the shape of a fish and had tails but I forced myself to eat them (which took me about 5 minutes of staring at them and trying to put them in my mouth) and they turned out to be really tasty. The special paella of the day was this macaroni pasta mixed with different types of fish, shrimp, mussels, and Kira even found what looked like an octupus' tentacle. We ate all of it and it was only average. I'm not a big seafood eater though so the fact that I ordered it was brave. Although, I think I can do without the paella on my trip unless someone tells me of a place that  DEFINITELY specializes in paella. Oh well.

I'm going to go to sleep because it is 12:31 am our time so adios y buenas noches!

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